Reading time: about 1 minute (214 words).

This post collects some notes and teaching materials concerning the use of Python, Jython, and Sage for universal and linear algebra.

🔗 UACalc at the Jython Command Line

🔗 Exporting old .sws Sage worksheets to the new .ipynb (jupyter) format

See the export-sage post

🔗 Linear Algebra Labs in Sage

I created this set of four computer laboratory assignments to teach my students how to do linear algebra in Sage.

  1. Lab 1 (Lab01.pdf)
  2. Lab 2 (Lab02.pdf)
  3. Lab 3 (Lab03.pdf)
  4. Lab 4 (Lab04.pdf)

I assigned these to my undergraduate linear algebra class at Iowa State University in the spring of 2016.

Each lab was completed during one 50-minute class held in the computer lab in Carver Hall.